Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Color, Value, and Hue

In reference to the differences of subjects or items, color is a general term that is applied.  This is not the correct term though, the correct term would be hue.  Hue refers to the whole spectrum and variation in color.

There are three kinds of primaries.  There are painters primaries (red, blue, yellow), printers primaries (magenta, cyan, yellow), and light primaries (red, blue, green).  Depending on what purpose a piece is for, it's important to utilize the correct color pallets.

Certain hue combinations can cause a color illusions.  Different color illusions include color proportion, simultaneous contrast, and optical mixture.  For color proportions, the different amounts of color used change the overall feeling of the piece.  Simultaneous contrast is when different color combinations cause colors to change when next to each other and in different amounts.  Optical mixture occurs when there are many spots of color variation an different colors.

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